Thursday, November 18, 2010

Arrested For Playing Chess?

The NYPD arrested a group of men for playing chess in a park with stone chess and backgammon tables. This was next to a children's play area and signs posted made the area off limits to anyone unaccompanied by children. The NYPD defended the actions of the officers. Read the story here.

First in all fairness, the officers were trying to clean up an area that has a drug trafficking problem. This occurs next to a children's playground. Okay. Fair enough. I think we can all get behind that.

However, this was a PUBLIC park and set up specifically for that purpose. The chess area is separated from the playground by a fence. Little children are not known for playing chess and backgammon. Adults are. Adults with small children do not have time to play chess while their little one's play in the park. They have to watch the kiddies.

These men are not bothering the kids. Based on the reports, they are not dealing drugs. They were simply playing chess in a public area. Why would anyone want to harass folks doing that?

Shame on the NYPD. Do you agree?

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