Monday, May 12, 2014

If Your Sick Child Misses School You Should Be In Jail

Picture for a moment a terminally ill mom with cancer and other health issues. Now add a disabled child with some debilitating health issues of his own that has kept him out of school. Finally, picture them having very little money. This is a tough situation folks. Right?

So what does the school district do? They fine mom for his absences. (See, they lose budget money for him if he is gone a lot.) And the fines total several thousand dollars AND she could go to jail if she doesn't pay! You can read the story here. So, mom could go to jail for having a very sick child because the school does not want to be deprived of its funds.

Let me start with this . . .

Where in the hell does the government have any right to FINE a person for not exercising their personal rights? Yes, I know that school is a legal obligation. But school absences due to illness are NOT a failure to comply with the law. What authority does the district have to deprive others of property or even to make such policies in the first place? School officials are not elected law makers!

So now we have a situation where non-representatives can enact their own laws depriving citizens of property for actions that are perfectly within their RIGHTS and if they are poor enough that they cannot pay they can be thrown jail.

Have a sick child and go to jail.

Something is wrong with this picture...

What do you think?

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