Sunday, September 6, 2009

Yes They Were Naked, But It Wasn't A Strip Search

I've heard of some weird denials before, but this one has me scratching my head again.

A student at Atlantic High School in Iowa found that $100 was missing from her purse after gym class. Five girls were asked to disrobe in front of the student and a counselor to prove their innocence. Four of the girls were down to their underwear and asked to lift their bras and pull their waistbands away. The other girl was completely naked.

There are two things to keep in mind . . .

1) Iowa law makes it illegal to strip search in schools.
2) Even if it wasn't, in June the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that no school official has free rein to do intimate searches of students.

The superintendent for the school district denied that it was a strip search! He also said "According to our board policy, it was an allowable search." You can read the story here.

How can one possibly deny that it was a strip search when one of the students was completely naked? And does the "board policy" fail to recognize Iowa law or Supreme Court rulings?

I do have a solution. Let's make the superintendent stand out in front of the Iowa state capitol. He can then disrobe while onlookers search for any signs of common sense or decency. We just won't call it a strip search and that will make everything OK.

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