Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Missouri Cracks Down On Milk Hustling Sisters

The Bechard family owns and operates a farm in Missouri. They sell raw milk (it hasn't been homogenized and pasteurized) to their customer base. You can pick some up at the Bechard farm or they will fulfill your order in the parking lot of a local grocery store in Springfield. Their truck has the milk that has been pre-ordered by customers who would pick up their order on the appointed day.

In April, two health inspectors approached the Bechard sisters who were fulfilling customer orders. The inspectors asked if there was any extra milk for sale. It was the end of the day and a couple of customers had failed to show up for their milk, so the sisters sold the milk to the undercover inspectors. Now the Attorney General for Missouri has filed a lawsuit against the Bechard family to prevent them from distributing milk. (WTF?!?)

Missouri law makes it OK for dairy farmers to sell milk on their farm, deliver milk to customers, and set up a distribution point for pre-paid orders. They are NOT allowed to sell raw milk off of their farm (as the sisters had done). Now we've seen some stupid sting operations (a la the Lemonade Stand), but this one is taking some heat from locals who are wondering if this is really the priority for the Attorney General.

What are they going to claim - this is a starter crime?

First, they get you hooked on raw milk. Then, fresh fruit. Finally it's broccoli and then you are healthy for life . . .

What do you think?

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